Here are some pictures of my Nena opening her gifts. She hates that we buy her stuff but it is the only time we can. She won't let us get her stuff for Christmas.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Birthday pics
Posted by Saylorsmom at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Nena!
Today is a truly special day in my family. My sweet grandmother, better know as Nena, is 79 today. She still cooks, cleans, works in the yard and has gorgeous flowers every summer. You would never know she is 79. She makes me look so bad. When I dropped Saylor off this morning she was icing a Red Velvet Cake. She is always busy! The woman cleans under her fridge weekly for goodness sake! NO dust bunnies at her house. She is always taking food to sick friends and to the funeral home. She is the kindest person you could ever meet. She is one of the greatest women in my life along with my mom and my sister. I am so happy to have her and for my kids to have her. Christian and Saylor adore their Nena! Tonight we will be having dinner together to celebrate our wonderful mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, wife and sister, Christine Gribble! We love you, Nena!
Posted by Saylorsmom at 8:28 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
8 Days til Christmas!
Wow it is almost here. I can't believe how fast it sneaks up on you. School gets out this week and the kids are ready for Christmas to be here! I am more ready than I was after shopping yesterday with Mandy and Saylor. I only have a couple more things to pick up and I will be finished. I even started wrapping last night. I guess I am feeling the pressure to finish things up. I haven't been real festive this year. I decorated my house for Christmas but didn't put up a tree. (I know!) It is pitiful but I can't stand dealing with those freaking lights!! We spend Christmas Eve with my parents so Santa has a tree to put his presents under and that is the most important thing you know. I am hoping to get a prelit tree after Christmas for next year and then I won't have an excuse not to put one up. Anywho, I hope you are enjoying the holiday season and with this cold weather it truly feels like Christmas now.
Posted by Saylorsmom at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Birthday photos
Here are more photos from Saylor's Big Day. She is sooo darn cute!!!
This is after Saylor got her Hannah Montana tickets! LOL
Posted by Saylorsmom at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Hannah Concert

Posted by Saylorsmom at 5:48 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I am thankful for....
Last night Saylor made a list of things she was thankful for. Her first was me! Isn't that sweet? I didn't even have to tell her to put me down. LOL She was also thankful for all of her family and for food! She loves to eat.
I am thankful for:
1. My kids
2. Mandy
3. My parents
4. My Nena and Pa
5. My families' health
6. My lunches each week w/Mandy, Morris and Terry
7. Friends ( Old and new)
8. My job
9. laughter
10. freedom
Posted by Saylorsmom at 3:52 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Saylor's Big Day and Mom's Big Disaster

Posted by Saylorsmom at 6:11 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
Happy Birthday to my Saylor!!
Posted by Saylorsmom at 11:16 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
New Pictures
November 3rd I took Christian and Saylor to Cannonsburg to have some pics made for a Christmas card. Sethly and her new one Jackson went also. Jackson is Saylor's nephew. We got some great pics. Go check out our slideshow.
Posted by Saylorsmom at 8:50 AM 1 comments
Sunday, November 11, 2007
My Six
I have been tagged by my sweet friend LeAnne Grissom to list six habits or things about me and then tag someone new. I had to think about this just a minute! : )
* The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
* Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
* At the end of the post, the player then tags people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
My Six:
1. I have to watch Friends everyday!!! Really I do.
2. I started fainting in kindergarten and still do it to this day. I have passed out so much I can tell you when I am going to. I am a total weirdo. LOL
3. I talk to my sister Mandy and my Mom probably 10 times a day and we see each other daily. Most days I have lunch with Mandy. LOL!!
4. My house is never clean and I can't help it so I just decided to give up. Sorry!
5. We eat sausage at every meal!! LOL just kidding....we rarely eat it even though it's a family business. (Goolsby's Sausage, WalMart, frozen foods, go get it!)
6. Mandy and I sound just a like and our own family can't tell us apart on the phone. Including my kids. It is so funny!
Now I am tagging Julie Hyder and Brandie Mansfield.
Posted by Saylorsmom at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Sharpay meets Hannah Montana
For Halloween Saylor was Sharpay from High School Musical and our neighbor Ginny was Hannah Montana. They made cute trick or treaters.
Posted by Saylorsmom at 2:54 PM 1 comments
Final product
Posted by Saylorsmom at 2:51 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween to All!!!
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween! Saylor is headed to the Pumpkin Patch today with her first grade class. She is very excited. She is even more excited about dressing up tonight as Sharpay. She looks so cute in her outfit. I can't wait to see her all dolled up. Christian is finally too old for the whole Halloween hoopla so he isn't dressing up. He did work in the Jaycees Haunted House with me for two nights and he had a blast scaring people. I will post pictures of our big night soon. Trick or Treat!!!
Posted by Saylorsmom at 8:16 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
Pampered Chef
Hey all you bloggers, I am getting together an order for Pampered Chef. If any of you are interested in seeing a catalog just leave me a comment. I will turn the order in on October 30th. Thanks.
Posted by Saylorsmom at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
None too shy!
The night of Christian's first ballgame for the Middle School we took some pictures. I did good to get any of Christian but Saylor couldn't get enough. She just kept posing and smiling!
Posted by Saylorsmom at 7:13 PM 1 comments
Birthday Wishes!!!
Posted by Saylorsmom at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
My Stick Family
Posted by Saylorsmom at 10:08 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Hey everyone, just wanted to remind you that Breakfast with Santa is four weeks from Saturday (November 10th) and the 10 o'clock seating is filling fast. So don't miss this special event and call Harvest Farms at 815-2225.
Posted by Saylorsmom at 10:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 7, 2007
A Saturday full of fun!!
While most Saturdays are semi busy this past one was full of activity. We started our day at 7 am at the Autumn Street Fair. I had to help finish setting up the Jaycees booth. We moved all the purses and drinks off the table by the way. LOLAfter all the booths started to open up I took Saylor and Madison walking down Main St. We stopped by several booths and eventually had to stop for some face painting. Did I mention how HOT it was to be so early in the day. I was about to burn up!!
We made our way down to the end picking up freebies along the way. There was a lot to see and the girls were really having fun. Saylor had to stop and check out her goodies while Madison got her face painted.
Then we had to head off to our next adventure. Saylor went to Mrs. Tabetha Sullens Stampin' Up Halloween craft session. This was Saylor's favorite part of the day. They made the most adorable picture album for their Halloween photos and a "BOO" banner. I don't know how she managed them all by herself but Tabetha did an excellent job!! Here is Saylor leaving with all her treats! Tabetha's mom helped make food and cute little things for all the girls to take home. I was soooo impressed!!
Well our day didn't stop there. I picked Saylor up at noon and we met my mom, sister and grandmother and headed to Valley Fertilize's Grand Opening. Wow!! The place was packed and I can't believe how much stuff there was for Saylor to do. She got to ride a pony, for free I might add. (It was $5 at the Street Fair.) They even had a camel. Now that is something you don't see everyday. Here are some of the pictures. My header picture is from the Feed Mill to and I thought it was beautiful!
As if the day wasn't busy enough we still had something else to do. We had our annual "Weenie Roast" at my Nena and Pa's house. It was entirely too hot to be trying to roast hot dogs and make smores but once you tell Saylor you are doing something you better follow through. We had hot dogs, chili, smores and cookies. It was fun and after the cooking was over it wasn't to bad sitting outside. We decided to move it to November next year so we wouldn't burn up.
Saylor never seemed to get too tired. She even got in a little climbing while the adults sat around chatting.
Posted by Saylorsmom at 8:39 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 5, 2007
Nothing much to say!
Well it seems like a while since I have posted and what is sad is I don't have much to report. Saylor is on fall break and Christian isn't. That is odd. Usually we are off on a trip somewhere but since Christian is at the Middle School things have changed. That's okay though. He is practicing basketball about 6 days a week which he loves. He can't get enough basketball. The first game is the 15th and we can't wait to go!! We are going to Pigeon Forge for Christian's birthday for his fall break so that should be fun! Happy Fall everyone!
Posted by Saylorsmom at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Rascal Flatts was AWESOME!!!!

Yes, we had a blast at the concert Friday night. We got downtown and payed $20 to park the car. Isn't that crazy? LOL Then we walked down to 2nd Avenue and ate dinner at the Melting Pot. What an experience. That was the best chocolate and cheese ever and the most I think I have ever paid for a meal ; ) It was really fun though. Then off to the show. Jason Aldean opend for them and he was really good. Lots of energy and pretty cute too!!

Joe Don

Saying goodnight
Posted by Saylorsmom at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 21, 2007
40 Years!!!!! Wow!
Posted by Saylorsmom at 9:50 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Rascal Flatts
Posted by Saylorsmom at 9:52 AM 0 comments