The last weekend of April each year we go to Gatlinburg for the H.T. Hackney Food Show. This is a huge event for convenience store owners. They come try new foods at the show and also get great deals from all kinds of companies like M & M's. The weekend is full of free stuff. We always come back with so much junk. If you don't know, my Dad owns Goolsby's Sausage and he sells to stores, restaurants and all kinds of places that serve breakfast. You can buy it in TN, AL, NC, SC GA and KY. Anywho, Mandy and I have to cook sausage and tenderloin at the show while my dad and his sales guy do all the talking, giving out samples and taking orders. It is really busy when the show opens and they have to have us in order to free them up. It is a free trip for us so we don't mind! lol
My kids get out of school for a day and they always have to go to the Aquarium. It is a ritual I suppose. Here are photos from the weekend.
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