Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Friendly Advice

Christian went with most of the Boyd High School team to Van Buren County for a couple of practice games. The seniors Casey Myers, Cole Stubblefield and Lucas Majors coached and Chris Sullens of course did his share too. This is Casey giving Christian some advice during one of the games. Casey is one of my favorite people at Boyd. He is an awesome kid and is so good to Christian.

Saylor watching Christian. Awwww!

Christian resting with the coaches and Dylan Fernandez.


Stephanie Edens said...

i certainly share your opinion of casey myers--such a good boy!!!

oh, holly--christian looks so big sitting on the bench with the older boys! these babies are growing too fast.


sunset pines farm said...

thanks for the comment-they are all special dogs-all rescues. If you have the time to go back and read-all their stories are posted, back in November. The one on the post today is my severely abused-left-for-dead, precious Dixie. Bring your kleenex along if you decide to read her story. I posted it on Nov 4, 3 parts-long story. Thanks again for the blog comment!

Susan said...

I saw your children at the Boyd vs. Dibrell game the other night. Saylor has just jumped right in on the Cheerleader part hasn't she? She was too cute! Glad that she is liking going to Boyd. Your son looks like he loves BBall too!
My nephews play on Dibrells team.

I like your new blog look! I know that you won that in a giveaway. I love the brown!

We are off to Florida in the morning! I hope when you go that it will be warmer. It is suppossed to be really cold Friday and Sat. nights! In the 30's! UGH!

Jess said...

I left you a cookie order..on that post..thank u soo much!!! let me know how much?? thanks jessica grissom higgins.

Kandice said...

That is fine :) I will get to work on that soon. I'll comment and let you know when it's done :) Thank you for the recipe. I can't wait to make them.

Unknown said...

All those boys are great guys. Casey is near and dear to my heart though. I had him in my third grade class a few years ago. I love him dearly. They are good role models for Christian. By the way, have a wonderful trip if I don't see you before you go!!!!

Wesley said...

You all have a safe trip down also! We may just see ya down there!!