Friday, May 29, 2009

Dancing Queen

Saylor has been taking a Hip Hop class at Paula's Dance and as many of you McMinnville moms know, it's RECITAL week!!! Last night was dress rehearsal and I though Saylor looked so cute in her little outfit.

The program is really cute and there are so many girls in it. Good luck to them all!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

America is Wrong!

Adam Lambert should have won American Idol. He is so talented! He can sing anything. His performance with Kiss last night was amazing! I like Kris fine but he is too "vanilla" and not half the star Adam is.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day photo

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful Mother and my sweet Nena. I have been blessed with the best Mother a girl could have. I don't know what I would do without her. She is amazing to my kids and always puts us first. She's absolutely the BEST!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Boyd's Sports Banquet

Tuesday night Boyd had their Middle School Sports Banquet. All the players were given a framed picture of them playing during the season and a medal. Christian was named best Offensive Player with 120 points in 9 games!! I was very proud. He loves him some basketball!

Christian didn't want his picture made, of course. However, we did talk him into when a girl was involved. lol This is one of his best buds, Marisa Hillis. They treat each other like brother and sister. WE LOVE HER TOO PIECES!!!!