Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Precious Sight

As I walked down the hallway Friday night I passed Saylor's room to see this...
She is reading the bible. I was so proud when I saw this. She read 21 verses all by herself. Then on Saturday she read 7 or 8 more. Thanks to Mrs. LeAnn. She gave Saylor this bible when she was in her class at Westwood.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our Christmas Tree

I haven't put up a tree in 2 years. I hate putting lights on them. So I finally got a prelit one yesterday. Thanks, Mom! I always decorate the house but no tree. So today my mom and I decorated my tree and I really like it. I think it is soooo pretty. I am getting in the spirit now.

Friday, November 28, 2008

New Pictures

Check out some of our pics on Ford's website.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Successful Surgery

We made it home today by lunch which was great! Christian has made it through with flying colors. He's not even taking pain medicine. I am not sure why. He has some swelling on one side of his face but feels good and is on the road to recovery. He has a plastic splint in his mouth that may come out by Christmas. We just have to see how quick it heals. He has had a lot of bone put in his gum line. His doctor explained what all he did during the 3 hour surgery and I could never explain it. It is unbelievable what they can do in this day and time. We have received so many calls and texts asking about him. Thanks to all of you that have prayed for him and left comments or checked on him in any way. I truly appreciate it. It is great to be home. Hospital life stinks. I don't know how people like the Dunn's make it like they do. Hats off to them and their strength.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Busy Days and Good Friends!

Like most of you this time of year keeps me busy with my kid's activities. Between both having basketball practices and games and Saylor also having dance and girl scouts, I feel like I am never home.

We are going to the Titans game tomorrow. It will be Saylor's first game! She's pretty excited. I am too! I love going to the games and we have awesome seats. After the game Christian and I along with Mandy will be spending the night in Nashville. Christian will be having his fourth surgery on Monday. We have to be at Baptist at 5:30 so we decided to just stay overnight. Saylor will be coming back with my parents and then Mom and Dad will come back down Monday morning. Christian is nervous but won't say much about it. It's a difficult surgery and involves several hours of work and putting bone in his gum line. It's all very confusing and I couldn't really explain it. We love his oral surgeon and know he will do great!

Tonight Christian's friend Casey Myers, who has been through the same surgeries as Christian,
had him a little surprise party at Boyd after all the boys finished high school basketball practice. Pretty much the whole high school team was there along with some of his other friends from Boyd. They got him a bunch of goodies to keep him occupied during his recovery and a few boys got him a Hastings gift card. They also had food and some gorgeous cupcakes that Gina Tilton made.

Casey's mom, Tracey Pickens, did great getting it all together and surprising Christian. I am amazed at how great they all are to Christian. There are some really great people associated with Boyd and I am so glad Christian is there.

Mandy made some pics so I will try and post some later.

Please keep Christian in your prayers and I will update this when we get home Tuesday.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Elf on the Shelf

Well our new friend has arrived. The Elf on the Shelf came yesterday to help Santa keep tabs on Saylor. She is so fascinated with the whole thing. It is quite funny. She hasn't named him yet and I am not sure when she will. We have so little time at home right now with ball practices and ball games. The poor little guy doesn't get to see her enough to report to Santa really. Maybe next week he can see her in action. I am trying to use him to get her to keep her room clean. You know Santa loves a clean room, right?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Saylor!

Today my baby girl is 8 and what a sweet baby girl she is. She is beautiful inside and out and I am so proud of her. She definitely makes my world more interesting! Saylor, Happy Birthday! I love you sooooooo much tootz!

Saylor was one is the picture on the left. The other is Easter and I don't know which year. lol

Kindergarten Graduation with her buddy Ethan.

Westwood Preschool, age 5.

Dressed as Dorothy for Halloween. AGAIN I don't know what year. She was 3 or 4.

October 2008, age 7.
P.S. If one person leaves a comment that she looks like my sister I will whip you with a car antenna!!! lol I wish I had a dollar for all the people that have told me that. But it is totally true!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pink Poodle in Paris Party

Yesterday I had Saylor's 8th birthday party at Mandy's house. There was pink and black everywhere! I had a huge jumping castle reserved but had to cancel it due to the weather. So that meant 3 hours of trying entertain about 10 kids. It was wild!!! We bought Operation and Jenga and also brought Kung-Fu Panda for them to watch. Here are some pics from our afternoon.

The poodle table.

Are these beautiful or what? The talented Paula
Wanamaker spent three days getting these cookies just right!

I loved Saylor's cake! It was absolutely perfect. I bought the little poodle for the top and Patsy Bolding and Misty Bolding made her cake. I can't thank them enough for all the love they put into her cake. It was a huge hit!!!

The poodle pinata before she met her maker. lol

I thought my platter looked cute with the pizza on it.

Ethan Smith enjoying his chip and dip.

Another picture of the cookies.

Lexi and Tia taking a breather.

Getting ready for cake.

She looks so sweet and happy!

Blowing out the candles.

Present time!
Saylor in her new Hannah Montana shades.

Ethan got Saylor a beautiful necklace with her initial on it and she was thrilled!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Fall Leaves

Brandie Mansfield took this cute picture of Saylor playing in the leaves at Linda Dunlap's. Saylor takes art from Brandie at Chole's. She is not a great artist but she learns so much about different artist from Mrs. Brandie and she tells me about it and I am amazed. Thanks Brandie!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I've Been Tagged Twice!!!

Veronica Stepien and Tanya Jones have both tagged me. I have been putting it off but here goes.

7 Weird/Unusual Facts about me:

1. I started fainting at the age of 5 and still do to this day. I have done it so much I can tell the person I am with it's going to happen.

2. I rub my feet on the bed trying to go to sleep and apparently while sleeping. I have worn a hole in my sheets from it.

3. My hair is so freaking thick that if it is getting on my nerves I just take a razor and comb through it to thin it out! I know, don't tell Wendy Beaty. lol

4. I watch Friends everyday!

5. I love Miley Cyrus and watching Hannah Montana.

6. I get obssessed with whatever sport my kids are playing. I hate for their teams to lose and get really competitive.

7. I talk to my sister and my mom daily and usually see them too!

If you haven't done this yet then I am tagging you. So if you just read this that means you!

Fabliques Applique Giveaway!

Head on over to Kim's page and post your idea for a shirt design and you could win. If your design is drawn out she will make the shirt just for you. Good luck!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saylor's Birthday Invitations

Next weekend Saylor will be having her 8th birthday party. She is having a Pink Poodle in Paris party. Mandy handmade her invitations. This is the front.

You pull the poodle and the insert comes out with all the details. They are so adorable. Good old Aunt Mandy. Don't know what we would do without her. Thanks, Sis!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Boyd 7th & 8th grade Basketball

Christian's first basketball game was last night against Victory Baptist. We won 24-13. The boys did great! There are only 7 of them and they haven't got to practice a lot. Next week we go to Van Buren Co. I think we are in for a rough game there. Here are some pics of Christian in action.
The other teams outfits were interesting to say the least. I don't think Christian would play if he had to wear that. lol

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Monkey Bread Recipe

Some people requested I post my Nena's recipe. So here it is.

1 package frozen roll dough (balls about 18)
1 stick butter, melted

I dip my rolls in the butter and then place in a buttered bundt pan. Pour remaining butter over the rolls.

Then mix together:

1 package Vanilla or Butterscotch Cook & Serve pudding (not instant)
1/2 c. brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 c. chopped pecans

Sprinkle over rolls. Cover with a cloth and let stand over night at room temperature. Bake the next morning at 350 for about 30 minutes. A place a square of foil over mine to keep in from getting too brown. Let stand one minute in pan and then invert onto plate.

Monkey Bread

After Paula, over at Krumbz, posted her Monkey Bread last week I have been craving it. I bought the stuff to make hers and will try it this weekend. I have to bake my Nena's recipe during the week because you make it the night before and Lord knows I do good to get that done!

This is the complete recipe right before I covered it for the night.
This is what it looks like the next morning.

Then after it bakes.

Voila! Turn it out on a plate and enjoy!!! I could eat the whole thing. It is awesome!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Bunco

First of all, I forgot to post these adorable treat bags my sister made for Saylor to take to school. All 45 of them. Aren't they cute? Saylor said they all loved them.

This month's Bunco was hosted by Detria Dunlap. She did an amazing job decorating for Halloween and we had some good old homemade chili and all the fixins. We all dressed up as witches for the event.

The whole Bunco gang.

Alene (Arlene) Pedigo

Tina Walker aka Wicked Witch of the West

The lovely Anne Vance.

Pretty in purple, Pam Shelton.

Kim Cantrell, the substitute witch!

We love our bunco subs!

Bronco Basketball Bash

First Annual Bronco Basketball Bash
Saturday November 8, 2008
4-6 pm Baked Spaghetti, bread, drink & dessert (5.00 adults, 3.00 kids)
4 pm Basket Bidding Begins
6 pm Gym activities begin (No charge)
-Introduction of the Bronco Basketball teams
- quick contests for prizes
-Auction of Baskets
-Blue & White game
Everyone welcome!

Boyd's Bonfire Rally

Here is a picture of Saylor with her sweet friend Lexi Sullens at the bonfire last night. They had a great time playing and enjoying the marshmallows and hotdogs! Thanks for the invite to Boyd's "Bring a Friend Day" Lexi.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Make a Difference!!!

Make sure you vote on Election Day!! Your country needs you!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Stylin'

Saylor was the Mad Hatter for Halloween. She loved her costume and the boots were her favorite. We went to Mayfield's and had pics made after school then it was off to do some trick or treating downtown. Then we grabbed some dinner and started spooking again. I felt like I had been all over the county by the time we got home! Saylor had a ball and racked up as usual on the goodies. Christian is too old and cool (lol) to dress up now and he just came along for the ride after basketball practice was over.